Saturday, February 6, 2010

Tearing At My Heart!

So yesterday I went thrifting at The Getup here in Ann Arbor. If you are ever in the area you should check it out, it's a really fun little vintage store! I got extremely frustrated because most vintage clothing is made for women who were "vintage size." Basically, my boobs fit into nothing. I did end up getting one dress though, I will have it up here tomorrow. I also got the most amazing carpet bag. I took one look at it and feel in love. Hell, I think it might just be the love of my life right now. I have caught myself staring at it in the passenger seat while driving a couple of times! Distracted driving!

Also, why must Urban Outfitters be so full of the most wonderful darling clothing that is so very far outside of my budget! I was literally distressed by all of the pretty things I could not even think about buying, I think I might have just shed a tear or two. I fell in love with one skirt that was something ridiculous like $68. And there was this other dress that was so perfect and wonderful, but they only had it in size itty bitty. Right now I am searching their website so I can post some pictures of the beautiful things...but apparently nothing I found is available online. Why didn't I think to take pictures of the things in the store? Ah, to live and learn...

In other departments of life: I've started running again. I have this love hate relationship with running. I ran track for a couple years in high school, and I've run a couple of 5K and 10Ks since then. I get really annoyed with running while I am doing it, but as soon as I am done I think, "That was awesome! Let's do it again tomorrow!" And the soreness is the best kind of hurt. If I had my way, I would be riding horses every day, but I so do not have that kind of money.

Basically the point is that I need to lose some weight. Actually weight doesn't mean much to me at all, it is more a quality of life thing, weight just happens to be an excellent indicator of where you are at fitness wise! Even when I am fit, I am still curvy. I think the smallest my boobs have been since I first got them (lol) was a 36D, so don't worry, I'm not trying to become a stick monster. While we were shopping yesterday, my friend David and I decided that for every pound I lose, I should put $20 away into a savings account, and when I get near my fitness/weight goal, go on a shopping spree, ie. spend lots of money at Urban and Thrift Stores!

Ugh no pictures or anything, what a visually boring post! Lo siento my loves! I shall have something a little more titilating up tomorrow...I hope :)


  1. I'm totally with you on the vintage dresses- my bust and ribcage are not vintage sized...though I found out that I fit a vintage size 14. And I actually found a vintage dress that fit the other day- I'm thrilled!

  2. The plan you and David came up with sounds fabulous! Good motivation, better reward at the end.

  3. I know, Urban Outfitters can be torture to walk into even though I love browsing. Thank goodness for the treasure we find while thrifting.

  4. Oh my gosh, you are dead on about Urban. So frustrating, but at least when they have sales they're good ones!

    I think I'm going to steal your $20/lb idea! I was inspired by Tieka of Selective Potential to get my butt in shape this year, just to feel healthier! I've hit a rut, but I bet a future shopping spree is just what I need to get motivated again!


Your words are like sweet sweet music to my ears...or eyes! Thank you!