Thursday, January 28, 2010


"Beginning again does not mean we have made an error. It is the heart of the practice, not a deviation from it." -pg 87 in The Mindful Way Through Depression

Recently I came across this quote speaking to the mind wandering during meditation. As I thought about the quote, it dawned on me how true this is to life, not just to meditation. Sometimes life can seem like a series of failures and followed by new beginnings, and I always looked at that as a negative thing. But now I see it as the very heart of my existence, because without decay, there could never be rejuvenation! Just wanted to share that with you guys :)

Don't you worry your darling little heads: Yes, it was below zero degrees Fahrenheit out today. I was only outside for about 5 minutes...nowI have been inside for over an hour now and I still can't feel my hands!

I'm not entirely stoked on my outfit today, it feels a bit off. Most of my weekday outfits are completely thrown together on the spot wihout any thought or fuss and I spend a bit more time on my weekend wear...but for the sake of posting something...

hat/gap :: necklace/gift from delightfully-tacky :: top & jacket/forever 21 :: jeans/gap :: leg warmers/american apparel :: shoes/ forever 21

a) I don't remember how to look good in front of a camera...especially when it is so cold outside I can't think or even feel my body!

b) I still have no idea where the best location to shoot outfit pics in or around my house is, which is compounded by the fact that I am still figuring out how to use my new camera.

c) Jackets ride up. Jeans scrunch up. Outfit looks wonky. Duly noted. Will fix outfit before photographing next time!

Thank you so much to those of you wonderfuls who have already taken the time to check out my little blog so far, I really appreciate the love :) Hopefully soon I will have my own computer back, and be freed from the time limits on public access computers!

So I want to tell you a little bit more about where I'm at in life right now so I don't babble away in the future without any of you knowing the context of my life!

Currently I manage a coffee shop in Ypsi. The work is alright, and I like most of my customers, but honestly I am just really burned out on the job and cannot wait to move on to something that actually engages my brain! Oh and my pay is crap, so I am broke broke broke. But hey, broke ladies can look cute too. Just because you are broke doesn't mean you have to wear mismatching track suits!

I've been dating and in love with the most wonderful sexy man named Andrew for the last 7 months. He's a guitar player, skydiver, and buisness owner at the ripe old age of 20. Don't knock the age though (which is two years younger than myself), he's got this amazing intuitive old soul and has been through more shit than most people go through in a lifetime...but he is very much so a 20 year boy at the same time though! Andrew is a total a total spazz, and I tend to be pretty grounded, so we balance each outher out really well. Hopefully I will get some pictures of him/us soon if I can ever get him to stop buzzing around for a second...

...i still can't feel my hands sooo....I am going to leave it at that for now and head home to take a nice warm bath!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Grey Gardens

Last night while I was doing laundry I decided to pop "Grey Gardens" into my DVD player to stave off boredom...what ended up happening is me getting out my sketch book and making detailed drawings and notes about every outfit Drew Barrymore's character Edith Beal wears in her early years. It is now a goal in my life to thrift till I drop to find a close match to each and every one of them! Obv there are many more wonderful outfits that I couldn't find screen shots of... so if you love Depression/WWII Era clothing, I would highly recommend checking out this movie. Honestly I haven't even finished it yet, so I can't tell you if I would recommend it cinematic quality-wise, but if your a vintage fashion bug, it's a must see.

I mean how cute are these shorts?! They have this fantastic detailing with little red buttons above the pockets. And best of all she has on a pair of white heeled sandals with it all, which in my mind is simply the epitome of late 1930's Hampton beach style.

I would kill for this ivory silk hooded dress. It's so flowy and whimsical and elegant. Hooded dresses are my new favorite thing, so this takes the cake.

This is the outfit that appears about 20 minutes into the movie that finally got me to abandon my laundry and start madly sketching away. I don't have a tiny little long torso like Ms. Barrymore, but with the help of a little old fashion girdle...I will rock this look soon enough!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

meet the roomies

Currently I am without computer. Well I have a computer, but it comes in the form of a public access library computer. This severely limits my outlet for potential awesomeness. So sorry for the lameness. Hopefully I will getting a fully functional personal computer back in my possession soon and thus acquiring a one way ticket out a JankyVille.

Anyway, as a working lady, I spend the vast majority of my life wearing jeans and tee shirts and hoodies, so Monday thru Friday, outfit posts will be rare. Honeychild, bless your darling little heart if you are one of those broads who is willing to wake up at 5:30am to get all dolled up for a solid 8 hour work day in front of an espresso machine...that is just not me. So, in the mean time, here are my precious little roomies!

Lilah and Banana

(aka Lilah Pants, Fatty Magoo, Lilaherton and 'Nanners, Bananarang)

(...why? because that's how it is with me and my babies!)

Lilah and Banana love each other, and only each other. Lilah is the first animal I ever really got "on my own." She's a rescue bunny I got from the local shelter. Her first family didn't know that she was a she, and she produced a lot of little bunnies before they figured it out and gave her the heave-ho. Poor baby. I got Banana off of Craigslist because Lilah hates the world, and seemed like she needed a friend. It was instant face raping, bunny humping love from the get-go. Now they live in bliss and hate the world together.

Sprout and Clover

(aka Sprouts, Sprouters, Sprout Monster and Clover Bover Dover Grover)

These two chinchilla ladies are the first daughters of Tucker and Herman. Born June 22, 2009 in the same litter as Butterz. Bestest friends and little darlings.

(aka Bille Baby, Bille Monster, Baby Monster)

Miss Billie is the newest addition to my flock, born just two weeks ago on January 12th. Probably the cutest little monster in the history of....well, ever.


(aka Tucker Bucker, Tucker Bo Bucker, Tuckerest)

Tucker is the first chinchilla I ever had the pleasure of bringing into my life. I was browsing Craigslist one day, and stumbled upon and add looking for a new home for this little darling. One thing lead to another, and she has ended calling my home her own. I call her my wonderful little Buddah Chilla.
Herman and Butterz (name pending?)

(aka Hermie, Hermes, Hermie Squirmie)

Herman is the second chinchilla I got. Tucker seemed lonely, and he happened to have been dropped off at the Humane Society the same time I was looking for a new little friend. But this lady is bad at keeping track of time, and baby Herman soon became adult Herman...and with the help of Miss Tucker, has produced four more bundles of joy, Butterz included.

Yes. I am that Crazy Cat Lady. Only Chinchillas. And Bunnies.

Monday, January 25, 2010

your liberation is bound up with mine

I have to start somewhere...


-adjective Slang
1. (of a woman) having a pleasantly plump figure
2. full-bodied; well-proportioned

Age: 22

Location: Ypsilanti, MI

Why Blog?:
I am at the crux of a momentous change in my life. Nothing is certain but my dreams and aspirations are very real. I want to document my life in this blog: the events, the outfits, the dreams, the changes, and whatever else may come my way.

In a couple of months I plan to move to Tucson, AZ in hopes to attend the University of Arizona in Tucson, to complete my degree in Equine Science. I have been deeply inspired by a book called The Tao of Equus and plan on pursing a career in Equine Facilitated Therapy. It has taken me 22 years to reach that decision, but nothing in my life has felt more right. I have been nothing but encouraged by the way every aspect of my life is falling together perfectly since I made this decision.

I'm a zaftig lady. As I type, I am 5'5" and a 170lbs. All of that comes with some 36DDDs and a set of thighs built from years of riding (ladies who ride, you know what I mean). I want to blog to post fashionable outfits for (what I feel to be) a very under-represented demographic of ladies: those of us who are far from svelte and small, but are not quite "plus sized."

There is so much more about me that I would like to share...but that is what this blog is for right?

"If you are coming here to help me, you are wasting your time. But if you are coming because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together." -Aboriginal Woman