Sunday, March 21, 2010


I haven't found my hookup for my I don't have any photos from my trip to Telluride yet. I ended up snowboarding most of the time there. In my personal skiing vs. snowboarding argument, snowboarding is the reigning champion. I do enjoying being able to say that I ski and snowboard now though...

I've been browsing Etsy for wedding rings lately. Again, no intentions of getting married soon, but it goes along with my general wedding obsession...and it can't hurt to keep an eye out right? Well here are some of my faves:

Fingerprint Ring by chrisperry
I love this, it's so personal and beautiful.

Fleur Ring by sudlow
(I just want this ring...period.)

This ring is love at first sight. It is so perfect. I think if I were to be proposed to with this ring today, I couldn't help but say yes just so I could wear it on my finger...just kidding...kind of! Hah!
Ideal Twig Solitaire by bmjnyc
(AND it is all recycled! How do I go about hinting to my boyfriend that even though it is too early for us to be thinking about marriage...he should definitely think about investing in this ring if he has any intentions of a future...?)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

I left my hand and my heart on the dance floor could I not? And for the record, if I had that body, I would be wearing all that wonderful madness too, wouldn't you?!?

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

"Dude, I think this whole town is high...

...Telluride, CO: Elevation 13,150 feet"

This elevation is kicking my ass.
Kicking it! The air is so thin here that walking up the stairs leaves my heart pounding and my poor lungs gasping for air. I feel like a fish thrown onto a dock half of the time. I arrived here almost three days ago, and I still haven't totally adjusted. But... I went skiing for the first time since I was 12!!!!

I have spent the last 10 odd years of my life snowboarding, but that was getting kind of rough on my old bones, so I decided, hey, what the hell, let's give the old skis a try again. It was really fun! Telluride is gorgeous, and I swear I got distracted just staring at the mountains a couple of times. And it had just snowed about a foot the night before, so the snow was beautiful and untouched and sparkly. Mmm pretty. I did a lot better than I thought I was going to, but towards the end my legs turned into noodles and I ended up looking like this a couple times...

{via Google Images}

Here are some things I am absolutely salivating over right now...SALIVATING...

1. Petit Dejeuner Dress :: ModCloth $64.99

2. The Commodore Skirt :: ModCloth $57.99

About a week ago I saw these adorable Embroidered Logs at Design*Sponge and have been dying to try it out myself! My grandma is really crafty, and I am staying with her another week, so maybe I will be able to embroider some logs with her and my darling little cousins! I just love saying that: embroider logs. Look at how cute it is! I think I want to do some skis....anyone have any good/fun ideas?

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Last Days and Sushi

Today was my last day of work ever at Primo. It is less exciting than I thought it would be, but I feel like I can finally look forward toward my future without anything restraining me, and for that I am deeply thankful.